Analyzing My Latest Chess Games: A Weekly Series

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Week of June 3 2024

Welcome to the first post in my weekly series, where I'll be diving into my latest chess games to evaluate my performance and pinpoint areas for improvement. By leveraging the powerful chess helper tool, KnightlyChess, I'll analyze my recent 20 rapid games to get a comprehensive view of my strengths and weaknesses.

Chess Helper Tools and Analysis

KnightlyChess serves as my primary chess trainer and chess move analyzer. It provides detailed insights into my overall accuracy, broken down into the opening, middlegame, and endgame phases. Using the chess position analyzer online feature of KnightlyChess, I can identify which opening lines I excel in and which require more work.

My Chess Journey

I've been playing chess casually throughout my life, but this past year, I've dedicated myself to improving my skills and knowledge. Over the last year, my rating has fluctuated between 1200 and 1300.














Present Day Analysis

With the launch of KnightlyChess, I now have the tools to scrutinize my past 20 games and devise a strategy for improvement.

From the image above, you can see my overall accuracy is 88%, which aligns well with my current rating range of 1300. My opening accuracy is 89%, suggesting I perform at a 1400-1500 level in the opening phase. However, my middlegame accuracy drops to 83%, indicating a critical area for improvement. When my games reach the endgame, I excel with a 93% accuracy rate.

Opening Explorer:



Opening Explorer Insights

As White, I consistently play the English Opening (1. c4). The KnightlyChess opening explorer reveals that I've faced seven different openings in my last 10 games as White, winning only 40% of them. Despite a high opening accuracy, my win rate suggests a need for better middlegame strategy and planning in the English Opening.

When playing as Black, I've had considerable success using the King's Indian Defense against 1. d4. Against 1. e4, I often employ the Caro-Kann Defense. I've faced both the exchange and advanced variations twice each, winning 50% of those games. Clearly, there's room for improvement here.

Action Plan

  1. Review Caro-Kann Defense: Study the course on the Caro-Kann Defense to better understand the plans for both the exchange and advanced variations.
  2. Middlegame Mastery: Continue working through the Middlegame Masterclass to enhance my middlegame strategies.
  3. Tactics Training: Progress through the Tactics Masterclass to sharpen my tactical skills.

That's all for now. Join me next week for an update on my progress and further insights into my chess journey.